Project Description
A stateful component class defines a function that calls this.setState. (App.js, lines 15-19)
The stateful component passes that function down to a stateless component. (App.js, line 24)
That stateless component class defines a function that calls the passed-down function, and that can take an event object as an argument. (Child.js, lines 10-13)
The stateless component class uses this new function as an event handler. (Child.js, line 20)
When an event is detected, the App’s state updates. (A user selects a new dropdown menu item)
The stateful component class passes down its state, distinct from the ability to change its state, to a different stateless component. (App.js, line 25)
That stateless component class receives the state and displays it. (Sibling.js, lines 5-10)
An instance of the stateful component class is rendered. One stateless child component displays the state, and a different stateless child component displays a way to change the state. (App.js, lines 23-26)
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Project Description
A stateful component class defines a function that calls this.setState. (App.js, lines 15-19)
The stateful component passes that function down to a stateless component. (App.js, line 24)
That stateless component class defines a function that calls the passed-down function, and that can take an event object as an argument. (Child.js, lines 10-13)
The stateless component class uses this new function as an event handler. (Child.js, line 20)
When an event is detected, the App’s state updates. (A user selects a new dropdown menu item)
The stateful component class passes down its state, distinct from the ability to change its state, to a different stateless component. (App.js, line 25)
That stateless component class receives the state and displays it. (Sibling.js, lines 5-10)
An instance of the stateful component class is rendered. One stateless child component displays the state, and a different stateless child component displays a way to change the state. (App.js, lines 23-26)
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